Enjoy artwork on display across the BSU campus including the Turchon Tunnel mural 和 sculptures of bears, Baryshnikov 和 Martin Richard. View 展览s in many BSU buildings, particularly the Art Center 和 the 麦克斯韦尔库 but also the Mohler-Faria Science 和 Mathematics Center, the Moakley Center 和 the 健康 Center in Weyg和 Hall.
Located in the Art Center on School Street, the 华莱士L. 安德森画廊 supports the educational 和 cultural mission of Bridgewater State University 和 serves as a laboratory for the production, 展览, 和 critical discussion of works by living artists. This mission is dedicated to fostering the underst和ing of works of art, 和 to stimulating appreciation for 和 advancing the knowledge of art at the highest possible museum 和 scholarly st和ards.
的 Greg 和 Fay Wyatt Sculpture Garden
Located in the courtyard between 麦克斯韦尔库 和 the student union is the Greg 和 Fay Wyatt Sculpture Garden. Along with a large sculpture of ballet legend 和 actor Mikhail Baryshnikov are 15 bas reliefs devoted to poets 和 their relationships to dance, 和 four ancient river goddesses.
三种树木, 河桦木, Moonglow Magnolia 和 American Yellowwood, have been planted in the garden, each selected for its texture 和, 在某些情况下, close affiliation to what is depicted in Mr. 怀亚特的雕塑. 与它的艺术混合, 文学与自然, the garden provides a thoughtful oasis at the heart of campus.
的 Department of 艺术与艺术史 explores art forms across a diversity of perspectives 和 disciplines, challenging our students to delve into the history, analysis 和 creation of evocative artwork. 的 department hosts an annual 学生艺术展, which showcases student work across a variety of media.
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通过 舞蹈系, our bustling dance community produces three productions each year, including a residency performance with professional artists at the cutting edge of the art 和 two student-based concerts featuring advanced choreographers 和 dancers.
BSU's music program offers several vocal 和 instrumental performances throughout the year by department curricular 和 extra-curricular 乐团和乐队. Performances take place across campus including in Boyden Hall's Horace Mann Auditorium 和 the Rondileau Student Union Auditorium as well as off campus. 的 音乐系 also hosts Middle 和 High School B和 Festivals 和 a Jazz Festival.
BSU的 戏剧系 presents four mainstage productions annually in the 1,300-seat Rondileau Student Union Auditorium. 的 productions usually include two plays, a musical, 和 an experimental work. Any interested student is invited to audition for productions.
的 Ensemble 的atre sponsors 和 produces student-directed studio productions, 研讨会, 和 social 和 educational activities. It is open to all students interested in theatre.
Founded by theatre department faculty, BSU's Family 和 表演艺术 Center brings high-quality, family-centered arts programming to campus. 作品包括 绿野仙踪, Disney's 的 Little Mermaid, 音乐剧史莱克, Disney's Beauty 和 the Beast, 床垫上的故事, Mary Poppins 和 Seussical音乐剧.